Heal Remedies ( HR )
HR 4 | RHENICINE | Acute & chronic catarrh. Rhinitis. Sneezing. Inflammation & catarrh of respiratory & digestive organs. Sinusitis, hawking ofstringy Mucus. |
HR 5 | FLUHEAL | Influenza, FLU fever, chill, congestion.Inflammation andirritation of respiratory tract.Aching all over and weakness |
HR 7 | ENTRICOL | Acute & Chronic Diarrhoea. With or without pain. Summer Diarrhoea. Colic. Intestinal spasm. |
HR 13 | URANON | Diabetes. Polyuria. Correct Liver, stomach and skin function.Indigestion. Contipation and Flatulence. Impotency of Diabetics |
HR 17 | HEPALGIN | Hepatitis. Biliary Colic. Jaundice. Flatulence.Constipation.Loss of Appetite |
HR 21 | FEMINA | Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea. Blackish menstrual blood.Backache. Excessive Menstruation. Loss of Blood. Exhaustion |
HR 22 | DERMAHEAL | Eczema, Acute or chronic. Herpes Zoster.Scaly Eruptions.Itching,Erysipelatus skin. Indolent pustules. Acne, Pimples. |
HR 23 | HEMORHINE | Haemorrhoids. Bleeding and non-bleeding piles, Anal fissures,Itching,Constipation. |
HR 24 | FAIRYFACE | Pimples. Acne. Eczema. Herpes on face at the age of Puberty,Purifies Blood and stimulates glandular function. |
HR 27 | HEPAREG | Eczema, Acute or chronic. Herpes Zoster.Scaly Eruptions.Flatulence. Indigestion. Sensitive abdomen. Cirrhosis of liver, Bilious colic. Dark stools.Intestine cramps |
HR 30 | SARSAPAR | Blood purifier.Boils. Herpes. Pimples. Skin affection in summerand during change of weather. Glandular swellings associatedwith impure blood. |
HR 31 | RHEUMA | Rheumatism. Arthritis. Gout. Lumago. Sciatica. Uric diathesis,Worse in damp and stormy weather. |
HR 33 | HEMOFORM | Anemia. Chlorosis. Sluggish liver & loss of appetite or prolongedillness. Accelerates cellular metabolism & blood circulation. Enlargement of spleen. Tones up liver & kidney functions. Increases haemoglobin contents of the blood. |
HR 34 | HERBASTHINE | Asthma. Cough. Oppression. Difficult expectoration. Bronchialcongestion. Worse in wet weather. Constitutional medicine forasthmatic patients |
HR 35 | GASTRONEX | Gastritis, acute & chronic constipation. Heartburn. Belching & flatulence. Gastro-intestinal complaints. Hyperacidity. Bad taste.Nausea |
HR 37 | HYSTROFEN | All hysteric conditions. Extreme nervousness. Sensation of a ballin throat & suffocation. Insomnia. Hysteric fits before menstruationSensitivity to noise & odour |
HR 40 | FORTITONE | Impotence. Sexual neurasthenia & debility. Spermatorrhoea. Weakness after excesses. After effects of masturbartion.Stimulants glandular efficiency. |
HR 41 | AVENASOM | Insomnia. Anxiety & restlessness. Unrefreshed sleep. Nervousexcitement. Mental tension & sleeplessness due to exhaustion,grief and worry |
HR 44 | AROCARDIN | Angina Pectoris. Heart weakness. Oppression |
HR 45 | THYROBESE | Obesity due to glandular overactivity. Stimulates functions ofthyroid & liver. Goitre. Skin affections of obese persons. Drainsintestinal obstructions |
HR 50 | HARMOVIT – M | Regulates hormonal system in males. Stimulates digestive &glandular secretions. Senility. Impotency. Weak memory.Emaciation. Also promotes pancreatic function. |
HR 51 | HARMOVIT – F | Regulates hormonal system in females. Stimulates digestive &glandular secretions. Senility. Impotency. Weak memory.Emaciation. Also promotes pancreatic function. |
HR 55 | BUFOZIN | Epilepsy. Cramps. Convulsions. Epileptic fits due to suppressionof perspiration & masturbation. St.Vitrus Dance. Nervousirritability. |
HR 65 | VERMICIN | Vermifuge, itching of anus & nose. Grinding of teeth. Worm, colic.Blue rings around eyes. Convulsions due to worms. |
HR 77 | RENOCAL | Kidney pain. Renal calculi. Reddish urine. Oxaluria etc. |